[nSign] Tomcat Upgrade Guide for Windows

[nSign] Tomcat Upgrade Guide for Windows

1            Download latest version of Apache Tomcat 

Select 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer

Transfer Installer into Windows Server Hosting Netrust Application

2.            Tomcat Upgrade

2.1.        Files and Configuration Backup

Create a folder ‘<Netrust Application>-backup-<date in YYYYMMDD>’ in backup folder (e.g.




Copy entire existing Apache Tomcat folder and paste into this location (e.g. existing Apache Tomcat folder is C:\Netrust\Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3)


Create readme.txt and write ‘Reason for upgrade’, ‘Existing Apache Tomcat version’, ‘New Apache

Tomcat version’

In existing Apache Tomcat’s bin folder, double click ‘nSignv3-<version>w.exe’


Under ‘Log on’ tab, take note of account used for log on and paste contents into readme.txt


Under ‘Java’ tab, copy contents in ‘Java Virtual Machine’ and paste into readme.txt (exclude



Under ‘Java’ Tab, copy contents in ‘Initial memory pool’, ‘Maximum memory pool’, and ‘Thread stack size’ and paste into readme.txt



2.2.        Stop and Disable Existing Apache Tomcat

In existing Apache Tomcat’s bin folder, double click ‘nSignv3-<version>w.exe’


Click ‘Stop’ and ensure ‘Service status’ changes to ‘Stopped’



Change ‘Startup type’ to ‘Disabled’


2.3.        Install Apache Tomcat

Run Installer, click ‘Next >’



Unselect all items, select ‘Native’, click ‘Next >’


Update service name to ‘nSignv3-<Apache Tomcat Version>’, click ‘Next >’ (e.g. nSignv3-9.0.50)


Replace Java path with Java used in existing Apache Tomcat, click ‘Next >’ (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202) 


Copy path starting from ‘Tomcat’ (e.g. Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50)


Change path to the same path as existing Apache Tomcat (e.g. C:\Netrust\) and paste folder name (e.g. Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50), click ‘Install’


Unselect ‘Run Apache Tomcat’ and ‘Show Readme’, click ‘Finish’


2.4.        Configure Apache Tomcat

Open Apache Tomcat folder in Windows Explorer (e.g. C:\Netrust\Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50)


Delete all Contents in Apache Tomcat’s webapps folder



Copy contents of from existing Apache Tomcat ‘\webapps’ folder and paste into Apache Tomcat’s webapps folder (e.g. C:\Netrust\Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50/webapps)


Open file ‘\webapps\nSignDispatcher\WEB-INF\classes\application.properties’ in Apache Tomcat folder and locate nSignMain.authXmlPath

(Only required for nSign)


Update Apache Tomcat path to Apache Tomcat Folder (e.g. from ‘C:/Netrust/Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3’ to ‘C:/Netrust/Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50’), save and close file

(Only required for nSign)



Copy existing Apache Tomcat ‘\conf\server.xml’ file and paste into Apache Tomcat’s conf folder (e.g. C:\Netrust\Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50\conf)


If existing Apache Tomcat’s ‘\conf’ folder contains Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) files, copy existing Apache Tomcat ‘\conf\*.pfx’ files and paste into Apache Tomcat’s conf folder (e.g. C:\Netrust\Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50\conf)



If existing Apache Tomcat’s ‘\bin’ folder contains file ‘sqljdbc_auth.dll’, copy existing Apache Tomcat’s 

‘\bin\sqljdbc_auth.dll’ file and paste into Apache Tomcat’s bin folder (e.g. C:\Netrust\Tomcat 9.0_nSignv3-9.0.50\bin)


Double click nSignv3-<version>w.exe (e.g. nSignv3-9.0.50w.exe)



Change ‘Startup type’ to ‘Automatic (Delayed Start)’


Under ‘Log on’ tab, change ‘Log on as’ to match the ‘Log on as’ tab of existing Apache Tomcat (for accounts, input the correct password)



Under the ‘General’ tab, click ‘Start’ and ensure ‘Service Status’ updates to ‘Started’

Conduct end-to-end tests and provide updates to support@netrust.net
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