[SAM] Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR) & Importing CA Reply

[SAM] Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR) & Importing CA Reply

Generate CSR Using KeyStore Explorer

1. Open the keystore (pfx) file using KeyStore Explorer

2. Right click on the Entry Name with 'enc' and click Generate CSR

3. Enter your password

4. Save the file as .csr extension

5. Send the .csr file to Netrust Customer Support at customersupport@netrust.net

Generate CSR Using Java Keytool

1. Run the following command to generate CSR 

keytool -certreq -alias <key alias> -keystore <file path and name of keystore> -file <file path and name of csr>


2. Confirm that CSR was generated 

3. Send the .csr file to Netrust Customer Support at customersupport@netrust.net

Importing CA Reply Using KeyStore Explorer

1. Transfer the certificate file sent by Netrust Customer Support into the server.
2. Open the keystore (pfx) file using KeyStore Explorer

3. Right click on the Entry Name with 'enc' and click Import CA Reply > From File

4. Enter your password

5. Select the certificate file sent by Netrust Customer Support

6. Double click on the Entry Name with 'enc', check that it now display the certificate chain with Netrust as Root CA

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