nSign Desktop Troubleshooting Guide (STAGING)

nSign Desktop Troubleshooting Guide (STAGING)

Login failed, unable to locate a digital identity.

Upon encountering this error - 'Login failed, unable to locate a digital identity', 
1. Download the following certificate files, Netrust Test CA2 and Netrust Test CA2-1 and save them somewhere accessible.
2. Open 'Internet Explorer'

3. Click on the 'Cog' button and 'Internet Option'

4. Click on the 'Content' tab and 'Certificates' button

5. Click on the 'Intermediate Certification Authorities' tab

6. Click on the 'Import...' button

7. Following through the steps and import the file, Netrust Test CA2-1

8. Ensure that the 'Intermediate Certification Authorities' Certificate Store is selected 

9. Verify that the Certificate (Netrust Test CA2-1) has been imported successfully.

10. Repeat the steps for the other Certificate (Netrust Test CA 2)
Click on the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' tab

11. Click on the 'Import...' button

12. Following through the steps and import the file, Netrust Test CA2-1

13. Ensure that the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' Certificate Store is selected 

14. Accept the Security Warning

15. Verify that the Certificate (Netrust CA2) has been imported successfully.

16. Restart nSign Desktop and log-in again and you would be able to arrive at this log-in screen.

Encountering more errors?

View the following guide for more instructions on how to get further technical support.

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